How Great My Keweenaw Home Really Is

How Great My Keweenaw Home Really Is


By KAC Staffer Emily Hinsa

Beep, beep, beep, goes my alarm clock.

It goes off every single day. Usually at 8am, sometimes at 6am. It’s telling me to stop wasting time lying in bed when there’s plenty to do elsewhere. Late summer usually crosses my mind as a perfect time to take life slow, relax, and enjoy the fleeting days of warmth and sunlight. This year, however, it’s been more of a non-stop roller coaster of work activities to keep me occupied from sun up to sun down.

Every now and then though, I’m gifted a few hours to forget it’s the “busy” season. I pretend I don’t have 100+ emails to send, that my house doesn’t need cleaning, that I didn’t put off those phone calls I should make, that there are no car appointments to make, etc.

In the interest of that late summer, take-life-slow, sort of idea, I spent a few perfect hours this past weekend out at my friend’s camp. We took a sauna, went swimming in the lake, had a cook out, played games with the kids, and best of all- laughed. Sure I only got one afternoon, but it was a perfect relaxing afternoon. As I watched the sun set into the water, I remembered something I had lost sight of in the past few weeks: I am blessed to live in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. It’something special, even when I’m too busy being woken by my alarm to remember. And sometimes the best adventure to take when you can’t leave home is the one that reminds you how great home really is.

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